“…store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:20-21)
Giving is an important aspect of the Christian life. After all, Luke records that Jesus Himself said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). At First Baptist Church, we want to encourage all members to pray about giving and give as God leads them, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). There is a deep joy found in good stewardship, and we want you to experience the blessing of being generous as you store up for yourselves treasures in heaven!
God's people have always been characterized by giving, but the way they've given has changed over time. For example, people no longer bring goats, sheep, calves, and grain to God as they did in the Old Testament. Giving money is simpler, cleaner, and theologically more sound since Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice. As the way that money is exchanged changes, we at First Baptist Church have extended members new ways to offer their financial gifts to God.
Anyone who would like to give to First Baptist Church online is welcome to do so through Givelify. This service can be used on your desktop computer through their website (Givelify.com) or by downloading the app on your smart phone, and makes it easy to quickly transfer money from a bank account or debit card to the church safely and securely. One-time gifts and recurring withdrawals can both be set up, and gifts can be given either to the church's general fund or to several specific funds. We encourage setting up automatically recurring donations through Givelify as a great tool for helping you to remain faithful and consistent in your giving.
We also have collection boxes placed on the walls at each of the main entrances to the sanctuary for those that prefer to give by cash or check.
** We sincerely appreciate your financial support, and the sitting Budget Committee
reserves the right to redirect all funds to the area of ministry most needed. **